My name is Robert and I am a German ham. I got my first license with the call DO2ROB at the age of 16 back in 2010. Soon after that I upgraded to the German class 'A' and got my current call DK2RO.
You will often find me on the shortwave bands in my preferred mode CW. But I also like SSB, digital modes and the VHF bands (especially 6m). In my spare time I operated from some IOTAs, SOTAs and WWFF areas. If I'm not chasing DX, you may also hear me in one of the bigger or smaller contests.
In 2013 I was member of the 5Q7Y DXpedition to Langeland isl. EU-172 and I also participated in the DXpedition to EU-171 in September.
I am member of the DARC and the OV Coburg DOK B19.
I am running this website mainly for myself, to keep track of my activities.
But it is also intended as a source of information for people, who worked me.
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this website, please don't hesitate to send my
a mail to: [call]